Tax season is nearly upon you. Like last year you’re going to be super busy. When you’re busiest is exactly when you should be marketing your firm. The best form of marketing is when it is automatically done in the background. Automated marketing during tax season will set you up for the rest of the year. To find new clients and to get new leads from existing clients there are eight critical areas to focus on.
This webinar will teach you...
1. Why you need to become a thought leader
2. How to promote your firm with content marketing
3. How to use the internet to win new clients
4. How to promote how good you are via the success of your clients
5. How to build a reliable referral process
6. Why you need to use direct response marketing
7. Why you need to host regular events & seminars
8. How to use technology to automate your marketing
It’s a jam packed hour with many practical takeaways. This webinar is presented by two of the world's best educators on how CPAs can enhance their marketing. Between them, they’ve taught more than 165,000 CPAs around the globe.
Michael, WI
"Great webinar!. Rob and Paul make an excellent presentation team. Elevate also looks like a fantastic product. Our marketing/social media contractor has not been drawing people to us. Elevate seems to be a better, less expensive, more reliable option."Mylene, FL
"I liked the energy of the whole webinar, the presenter kept me very much engaged during the whole presentation."Elijah, TX
"I've never thought that marketing covered such a wide range. Thank you for such an insight."Andrew, FL
"Rob was easily in your Top 5 ever with energy, enthusiasm, and wisdom"Martin, MI
"I found it very informative"Edward, TX
"A very informative webinar."Michael, FL
"Very Informative and the product is worth investing in."
Rob Nixon
CEO & Founder
Since 1994 he has been running businesses that specialise in helping Accountants run better, more profitable businesses. Accountants intrigue Rob and over the years he has trained them, consulted to them, coached them, researched them and visited thousands of them. His speaking work has taken him around the world where he has spoken to in excess of 150,000 accountants. Currently his landmark strategies and products are used by over 16,000 accountants in over 20 countries.
In 2005 he created the revolutionary coaching model called coachingclub. The coachingclub model enabled firms to be accountable, to consistently learn and to share ideas amongst their peers. Over 800 Accounting firms have graduated from his coachingclub program. The vast majority of firms have doubled or tripled profits because of the program.
He is the author of 2 bestselling books “Accounting Practices Don’t Add Up – why they don’t and what to do about it” AND “Remaining Relevant – the future of the Accounting profession”. Both have received rave reviews from Accountants and industry professionals from around the world.
In 2014 he released a groundbreaking cloud software solution called PANALITIX. Accountancy firms around the world use PANALITIX to get better numbers and delight their clients. PANALITIX helps Accountants automate their marketing and delivery of business advisory services.
Rob is a keen golfer (single figures) and adventurer (he is ticket holder 293 on Virgin Galactic to go into space). He lives in sunny Brisbane, Australia with his lovely wife Natalie and 3 children.
B1G1: Business for Good
65 6898 2446
Paul is a 4-time TEDx speaker. He is a Senior Fellow in one of the World’s Leading Think Tanks and holds a Lifetime Service Award to the Accounting Profession in the UK. He was honoured as a Social Innovation Fellow in his new home of Singapore; something he shares with film-star and philanthropist Jet Li and Walmart Chairman, Rob Walton. He was one of the first 10 people in Hewlett Packard in Australia. He then created one of Australia’s first computer companies and then The Results Corporation where he helped develop and grow 23,000 small and medium scale business enterprises. He then morphed that into Results Accountants’ Systems and introduced the breakthrough Accountants’ Boot Camp process to the profession. In the process he enabled over 17,000 Accountants worldwide to work with their clients in new ways. Paul is regarded as a marketing guru and he continues to push the boundaries. He recently featured in Forbes Magazine alongside Sir Richard Branson in a global piece on ‘disrupters’ in business. His best selling book, (co-written with Ron Baker and published by Wiley) ‘The Firm of the Future’, is widely regarded as a breakthrough book for professional firms. It’s estimated 226,000 businesses now use his insights, ideas and programs. He serves as Chairman of the B1G1: Business for Good, a company that’s already enabled businesses to created nearly 71 Million giving impacts around the world. In September 2015 he was honoured by the peak Accounting Body in the UK as the first recipient of its ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Profession’ award.